God's Presence is with You!

God's presence is with you to direct you, lead you and guide you making you victorious in all your endeavors.  Something very unique happens when you recognize that God's presence is with you.    Ask the Lord to open your eyes to his presence as Elijah requested of the Lord, and the more you see him, the more he will manifest himself to you.  If you are about to make an important business decision, recognize that God's presence is with you and His wisdom will flow through you and he will grant  you supernatural insight, identifying loopholes or exit clauses that are missing from that contract that you are about to sign. He will guide you in your relationships and anoint you to stay or exit at the appropriate time.  Once you involve Jesus and acknowledge His presence, you will sense him intervening in any decision you are about to make through the absence or presence of His peace..  Everything can appear to be in order on the surface, but somehow if you sense a discomfort rising up in you every time you think about your decision, my advice to you would  be not to rush into anything.  Once you have involved the Lord your lack of peace that you feel is often His leading to protect you.

He is Emanuel (God with us).  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  There was a time under the Law in the Old Testament when God would be with you only when you were in complete obedience.  But when you failed he would leave you.  Today however, we are under the new covenant and God will never leave us, because of the cross.  He became our burnt offering.  He bore our sins and carried our punishment.  God's judgement against our sins fell upon Jesus, who was forsaken at the cross by His Father so that today, we can have God's constant unceasing presence in our lives.  Jesus cried out,"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? so that you and I will know exactly what happened on the cross.  That is where the divine exchange took place.  At the cross, Jesus took our sins and gave up the presence of God, while we took Jesus'  righteousness and received the presence of God that Jesus had.  God's presence is now ours for eternity.  What a divine exchange.  God's Presence is with You!