How does cultivating your faith work? To understand the answer to this question we need to examine how God functions more closely. In Jeremaih 1:12, God declared, " I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." In other words he is watching over His word to perform it. God had an idea or vision for the universe. After visualizing the universe, he spoke it into existence. The vision that God had in His heart and in His mind's eye for the universe then became a physical reality by the spoken word. God spoke His thoughts into being and created everything. There is nothing on earth more important than a thought. Words are produced from thoughts, therefore thoughts are more important than words. However words are more powerful than thoughts. Even though thoughts design a future, it takes words to create that future. You can think about an idea for centuries however, nothing happens until you speak a word concerning that idea. Thoughts will never bring anything to pass. Creative power will never be unleashed in simply a thought alone. However creative power is in the words and actions that come from thoughts. Words that are spoken and written are full of creative power. Our spirits were designed to operate the same way God does. God is a speaking Spirit. God said in the Bible in the book of Genesis 1:26 " Let us make man in our image, in our likeness." The word "image" here refers to moral and spiritual character and the word "likeness", means to function like him. To cultivate the faith of vision, and create first , we must see with our heart what the Lord has promised us and create by faith that we see by speaking the Word over our situation, being confident that the Lord will bring it to pass. Job 22:28 says, Thou shalt also decree a thing,, and it shall be established unto thee.
Secondly, we must recognize and be confident that in the spiritual realm, every prayer, every petition and every promise that you will ever request of God has already been fulfilled, over 2000 years ago when Christ died on Calvary. He paid it all. When he said it is finished, that is what he meant. We simply ask because it is a means of excercising our faith and transferring every prayer , every promise, every petition from the heavenly realm down into the earthly realm. How do we do that? Again we like God are speaking spirits, with creative power through the words we speak. So we like God say, Let it be, believe.....and then sit back and watch the power of God manifest our petitions. It is so exciting to put the word of God in action and simply do what God says we can do! Create!