Resistance and the Will of God

We've all heard clichés, where God guides , God provides, or what God ordains God sustains.  Even though there is a element of truth in these statements, they can give an false impression, that if you are in the will of God then everything will be smooth sailing.  This misunderstanding can cause you to constantly question God's will and his call.  What happens when the bank account is empty and you are faced with challenges on every side?  Are you to then conclude that God is no longer with you?  Should we give up or turn back when the going gets rough? Following God's call does not guarantee that we will not have difficulty or hardships.  In fact, the reality is quite the opposite.  Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble (John 16:33).  Paul shared that everyone who lives godly shall suffer.  I would like you to know however that in the midst of the suffering is peace, and every hardship that we encounter will mold, fashion and shape our character to be like the Son of God.

Many people are familiar with the text, All things are working together for the good of those that love the Lord, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).  When the Paul penned those words he was talking about suffering and hardships.  He was sharing that even the hardships and the difficulties work together for our good if we love God and are called according to His purpose.

Being in God's will does not guarantee that we will avoid suffering and hardships, but it does guarantee that every trial we face will be a representation of God's love, actively working for our good in the end.

The resistance, hardships and adversity are wilderness experiences and God will use these experiences to mold us into heroes of the Faith.