Peace in the Midst of a Storm

Peace is being calm and having a serene tranquility no matter what circumstances you are facing.  Unrest is when we are dealing with the storms of life and there is turmoil anxiety and troubled minds in the midst of the storm.

Some visit the psychiatrist to try to obtain peace.  However without Christ the psychiatrist needs a psychiatrist due to his or her lack of peace.

When the antichrist makes his debue he will stage himself as God promising to bring peace but there will be no peace until the Prince of Peace sets on the throne of David and upon the hearts and minds of mankind.

We have sought to manipulate our emotions....shoot it...snort it....smoke it...but it won't bring peace.

The bible says, whosoever repents, confesses and forsakes his or her sins receiving Jesus Christ and his finished works shall have peace.  If you just merely confess it still won't save you granting you peace.  But if you forsake your sin it will.

Adam and Eve rationalized what they did and accused someone else for their sin, disobedience and rebellion against God.   They failed to confess and forsake it.  That is one of the main reasons why we enter the world in the sinful condition that we do today. Quit trying to adjust to sin and forsake it.  The word of God says blessed is the man whose sin is forsaken and forgiven.  Jesus said, "My peace if give unto you, not as the world give , give I unto you, a peace that passeth all understanding.  When Jesus said this he was not speaking from an ivory tower.  It was the night he was beaten and bruised and crucified.  That night he said my peace I give unto you.  This is the kind of peace that you want.  The son of God went to the cross that we might know his love and peace.  There will be no gift of peace until we bow our knees to the son of God.

Christianity is peace in conflict.  Christianity is peace in the midst of the storm.  Peace is the fruit of righteousness.  The word says,  Peace on earth, goodwill to men.  Wjll there be universal peace on earth?  Not until there is a righteous revolution.  Seek righteousness and peace will come.  Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.  We want the gift of peace without the righteousness and rule of God.  Teddy Roosevelt said, " I'm for peace as long as it doesn't stop the fighting.  That's the way the most of the world thinks.

If you want peace you won't find it fornicating , in adulterous relationships, in the bottle , in a needle, crackpot nor at Harry's Bar.

Hell is hot and  eternity is forever.  That is a long time to be in torment without  the peace of God.

Are you one that would say I don't know Jesus and I don't know peace but I would like to know his love and peace now.  Are you one that do not have peace in your home, marriage, relationships or on your job.  The Son went to the cross that you might know that peace!

Songwriter said Peace Peace, Wonderful Peace coming down from the Father of Love.  Sweep over my spirit forever I pray in fathomless billows of love.

Let us Pray

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus

I come to receive that peace that passeth all  understanding.  I place my burden in your hands.  I ask forgiveness for my sins and will forsake them now.  I believe that you died on a cross for my sins and on the third day you rose and is alive right now.  I know now that, that peace will come because I have met your conditions in Jesus name.