Justified by Faith

First  let us define the word justify.  The word justify means to "make right."  when something is wrong.  It does not only mean to pardon, to acquit and vindicate.  In biblical terms justification is a divine verdict of not guilty, labeling you as fully righteous.  It is actually the reversal of the attitude of God towards the sinner. The law of God formerly brought condemnation but now justification by faith through the Word of God brings vindication.  Although the sinner once lived under the wrath of God, as a believer he or she is now under the grace of God.  Therefore, whenever a sinner experiences justification by faith, God grants righteousness as well, as with Abraham , the father of faith (Romans 4:22-25).

The infinite merit of Christ grants every believer a foundation that he or she can stand upon, before God the Father.

Justification by faith restores the believer to a place of full acceptance, righteousness, and divine favor in Christ (Romans 5:19, Corinthians 1:30, Philippians 3:9).

Therefore, because of justification by faith, believers have not only been acquitted from all guilt (Romans 8:33) but they have also the full acceptance as sons and daughters of the Most High God (Romans 5:17).