Grace, Grace and More Grace

After I accepted Christ for years I struggled, not recognizing nor understanding the plight of grace.  Immediately after I felt conviction of something wrong that I had done I would rush to repent thinking that I was out from under the blood and if Jesus came before I repented I would be left behind.  I found that almost everyday I had done something that was not like Christ.  Sometimes it was a presumptuous sin, a hidden sin, or just my attitude.  I would with so much guilt and shame cry out for forgiveness.  Then something happened.  I read in the scripture where it said where sin abounds grace superabounds much more.  I also found that in the old testament they had to go to the priest and transfer there sins to a sacrificial lamb by laying there hands upon the head of the lamb while being mindful of their sins.  This they had to do every year.  It was called a sin offering.  However after Jesus came and offered himself, under the new covenant He  was our sacrificial lamb to be offered once and for all.  Now I understand that all of our sins have been nailed to the cross.  This includes our past sins, present sins and future sins. God is omniscient and therefore he already knows the sins that we will commit in the future and he already made a way that we are covered by the blood. There is no need for me to feel guilt or shame any more.  Jesus took all the shame upon himself while enduring the cross.  In 1 john 1:9 it states if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  So now as believers it is not a matter of asking for forgiveness because we have already been forgiven.  However there is a need to confess.  For me that means if you say," Lord, I have committed sin," and share what that sin was.  The bible then says he is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.  So I no longer meditate on the sin because that forms a root in my heart and a stronghold as well, making it more difficult to overcome.  Now I meditate on the truths that I am declared justified, and the righteousness of God even when I stumble.  Now that is good news.  That is what I call grace, grace and more grace for we are not under the law but under grace.  It is not about what works I can do (constantly repenting) to save my self, which means you are still under the law, but it is all about what Christ did for me. He has saved me.  How about you?   If you have not accepted him or you were waddling in guilt and shame pray this pray with me. Lord,  I am not perfect, but you are and that is why you came and suffered, offering yourself as a sacrifice on my behalf.  I accept your sacrifice.  Instead of wallowing in shame and guilt and shying away from you, I will come running to you, for you are my Savior and my Lord.  Help me to remember that I am the righteousness of God and my life is in your hand and no man can pluck me out of your hands in Jesus name.   Amen.