Dream Big! God is a Big God! God's ideas, plans and purposes for you, are large. Don't limit God. He will do the impossible, if you only have faith for the impossible. However if your dreams are small, then you have limited God. If you can fulfill your dreams and aspirations and you have the plan to do so then God can get no glory. Gideon was told that he was a man of valor and that he was more than able to defeat the enemies of the people of God. As long as Gideon had a plan for the number of men that he would use to battle the enemy....God could not get the glory. However when Gideon's army was reduced to only 300 men, God stepped in and defeated the enemy on Gideon's behalf. Again, as long as you have all the answers and you are working your plan God has not place to move. Someone put it like this, " When you are working, God is resting, and when you are resting ...God is working.
God gives us big visions and large dreams and huge aspirations because due to the size of the vision we recognize that there is no way that we can achieve it on our own. In other words if the vision is something that you can achieve there is no glory in it for God. God gives you an impossible vision, so that when he brings it to pass and I do say when he brings it to pass, because he will.....then there is no doubt in your mind, nor in the mind of the onlookers that it was God. When you step out and trust God, God will do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you can think or imagine, all the time.
I was believing God for the marketing of a book that God had led me to write. I did not know how that I would advertise the book to get it in the hands of the public. God led me to sow a seed of $2800.00. to TBN broadcasting network in approximately the year of 2002. Fast forward to December 2015, the book is completed and I do not know how I am going to get this book in the hands of the masses. I received a prophecy that I would author two books and the publishing, marketing and advertising would be paid for and I would be known worldwide as these books went global. January 2016 I received a check in the mailbox covering the cost of the publishing and advertising. The book after 2 months made national and international internet news. In March, a television studio contacted me and asked me for an two week interview on their television show. The show aired on sixteen different stations with over about 2 billion prospective viewers. Now tell me....won't He do it! I just finished the 2nd book and the same show has invited me for another interview after my new book is released. I said, " Won't He do it! The vision was greater than me, so God fulfilled the vision.
God also revealed to me in a vision that I would reach thousands of souls and that I would be used as an vessel to deliver His message overseas. I am excited. The vision is greater than me. As far as my eyes could see their were fields and fields of natives that had come to receive a word from God. I am waiting, and anticipating, God's next move as He ushers in His Latter Day Revival with a Downpouring of the Holy Ghost! So, do what you can, and God will successfully execute what you can't. God specializes in the impossible. I said, " Won't He do it! Dream Large. Dream Big.... and watch our God Do it Again!
*Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.